Strategic Plan for Student Achievement
The Salt Lake City School District (SLCSD) is committed to providing an excellent educational experience for the students and families in our urban setting. The district has more than 20,000 students, 1,000 teachers, and 40 schools, united by one goal: excellence and equity for every student. We are a vibrant and diverse district with students and families from all over the world, speaking over 80 languages and bringing their unique lived experiences to our classrooms. The district strives to provide our students with the skills they need to graduate ready for post-secondary settings, college, career and life.
- Education Equity, Access, and Student Support
- Student Achievement PreK-12 / Transition
- Family-School and Community Partnerships and Communication
- Learning Environments, Stewardship, and Sustainability
Education Equity, Access, and Student Support
Goal 1: Equitable Access and InclusionSalt Lake City School District will ensure unobstructed entrance into, involvement, and full engagement of all learners in school programs and activities. |
Objective 1: Students will access appropriate and effective programs and activities by eliminating barriers that obstruct their access. | |||
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Implement educational opportunity audits regularly for the purpose of: a. reviewing student data during Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings, School Improvement Council (SIC) meetings, and School Community Council (SCC) meetings; b. writing school improvement plans; and c. guiding school improvement initiatives.
2025-26 | The achievement gap between subgroups will be narrowed to a 10%- point difference between the highest and lowest proficiency rate. |
Subgroup analysis of: Pathway Indicator 2A
Pathway Indicator 4A
Pathway Indicator 5A
Pathway Indicator 6A
2. Design master schedules to increase balance between core classes and electives so all students receive an education that creates opportunities. | 2024-25 |
Elementary students will have scheduled time for learning in all core areas (ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science, Fine Arts, and PE). Secondary students in grades 7-10 will have 50% of their course schedule dedicated to elective/enrichment classes. |
Elementary school schedules Random sampling of 7th - 10th grade student schedules
3. Ensure parents and students are involved in co-designing their Individual Learning Plan (K-6) or Career/College Readiness Plan (7-12) to prepare for and enroll in advanced academic courses. | 2026-27 |
Every student and their parent will attend at least one CCR by the end of their junior year. 90% of high school students will meet one of the following criteria by the end of their 11th grade year:
Pathway Indicator 5C and 6C |
4. Schedule quarterly transition activities to support students and families in the transition from Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten; Elementary School to Middle School; and Middle School to High School. | 2025-26 | At least 80% of incoming students will participate in transition activities. | School Transition Activity Report |
Objective 2: Schools will provide opportunities for students to fully engage in appropriate and effective programs and activities through the elimination of barriers. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Provide elementary students with enrichment experiences every year. | 2025-26 | Elementary students will have at least one enrichment activity per quarter. | School Enrichment Activity Report |
2. Administer the Self-Assessment of Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) every two years to measure fidelity of MTSS implementation. | 2024-25 |
Self-assessment of Multi-tiered System of Supports (SAM) total scores will increase:
3. Build consistent districtwide implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS). | 2024-25 |
90% of schools will report a score of 18+ on PBIS self-assessment.
PBIS Self-evaluation tool |
4. Support district-wide implementation of student services council (SSC) best practices. | 2024-25 | Increased and consistent delivery and documentation of academic and behavioral interventions. | PowerSchool Unified Insights Interventions Report |
Goal 2: Equitable TreatmentSalt Lake City School District will encourage individuals to interact in ways that are accepting, valuing, respectful, supportive, safe, and secure, resulting in students feeling confident in their pursuit of learning. without fear of threat, humiliation, danger, or disregard. |
Objective 1: Students will experience excellent and equitable learning environments by having the following student needs: basic, physical health, mental health, safety, and belonging. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Implement the three SEL signature practices consistently and districtwide. | 2023-24 | Increased sense of belonging by students. |
SEL walk-throughs Student stakeholder survey |
2. Implement trauma-informed practices consistently and districtwide. | 2023-24 | Increase in sense of belonging by students and sense of having access to school programs and activities. |
Student Stakeholder Survey Pathway Indicator 6C
3. Provide students and employees with anti-harassment and hate-free learning environments. | 2023-24 | Decrease the number of incidents related to bullying and harassment. | United Insights Behavior Report |
4. Create mental health teams in every school to help monitor students’ needs and coordinate wrap-around services. | 2024-25 | Increased and timely access to mental health services by students. |
Increase in social workers. SHARP Survey Mental Health Services Report |
5. Provide direct district nursing services to students to promote wellness and safety. | 2026-27 |
Increased direct nursing services including insulin, g-feeds, catheterization, etc. Increased preventative nursing services including immunizations, flu vaccine, vision health, maturation, bloodborne pathogens etc. Increased health care coordination with parents, students, teachers, and community health providers. |
Increase in nurses. Health Services Report |
6. Provide students with access to district social work services necessary for crisis response, suicide prevention, anxiety, depression, coping skills, grief, racism, and community healing after a tragic event to promote student wellness and safety. | 2026-27 |
Decreased negative mental health symptoms in students. Increased parent support for mental well-being reinforcement at home. Increased parent support to access community mental health supports. |
Increase in social workers. SHARP Survey |
Student Achievement PreK-12 / Transition
Goal 1: Civic Competency and CommunicationSalt Lake City School District will provide students educational experiences that help them to develop into thoughtful, well-rounded, and civic ready members of society equipping students with the knowledge and skills to make thoughtful decisions as positive and contributing members of society. |
Objective 1: Students will develop and demonstrate civic awareness and competencies. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Engage students in a range of learning experiences that cultivate civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions by providing opportunities to participate in developmentally appropriate civic learning experiences that nurture the civic knowledge, ideals, and practices of our democratic society. |
2023-24 |
Students will interact with and communicate with others in a way that demonstrates empathy and respect towards diverse perspectives and experiences. 50% of students will be recognized at graduation with a Seal of Civic Readiness. |
Completion of the Seal of Civic Readiness Toolkit and Canvas course. Number of students completing the SCR beginning in 2025-26. |
Goal 2: Academic SuccessSalt Lake City School District will increase opportunities and address achievement gaps using district-approved materials, technology, and resources to teach Utah Core Standards on grade level with continuity and fidelity between schools and grade levels. |
Objective 1: Students will demonstrate increased academic conversation and literacy development to support content understanding through speaking and listening. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Engage students in productive academic conversation for at least 50% of time in class. 2. In performance-based classes (e.g., music, PE, etc.) students will engage in structured practice at least 70% of the time. |
2023-24 |
Teachers will be observed incorporating structured academic conversation for students in all content areas. Students will be engaged in peer-to-peer speaking and listening throughout their school day. |
Observation data collected by administrators in classroom visits and documented in Kick Up. Administrators will observe for data to support teacher professional goal centered on academic conversation and/or structured practice. |
Objective 2: Students will increase grade level proficiency in reading based on the Utah Core Standards or Utah Dynamic Learning Maps. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Ensure students have access to high quality, appropriate, grade-level literacy instruction based on the science of reading. 2. Demonstrate on school schedules the time allocated for language development in elementary school. |
2023-24 |
65% of students will increase reading proficiency on grade level. 65% of students will make at least one year’s worth of growth based on their student growth target (SGT) (scaled score, MGP). 65% of students with a significant cognitive disability will make adequate progress in reading. |
Measured by end-of-year Acadience or NWEA Map assessments. Measured by end-of-year assessment. Measured by their IEP goals (collected in Term 4) and/or as measured by the end-of-year Dynamic Learning Maps assessment (grades 3-12). |
Objective 3: Students will increase grade level proficiency in math for all students based on the Utah Core Standards or Utah Essential Elements Standards. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Ensure students have access to high quality, appropriate, and grade-level mathematics instruction. 2. Demonstrate on school schedules the time allocated for math instruction in elementary school. |
2023-24 |
65% of students will increase math proficiency on grade level. 65% of students will make at least one year’s worth of growth based on their student growth target (SGT) (scaled score, MGP). 65% of students with a significant cognitive disability will make adequate progress in math. |
Measured by end-of-year Acadience assessments. Measured by end-of-year assessment. Measured by their IEP goals (collected in Term 4) and/or as measured by the end-of-year Dynamic Learning Maps assessment (grades 3-12). |
Objective 4: Students will increase grade level proficiency in science for all students based on the Utah Core Standards or Utah Essential Elements Standards. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Ensure students access high quality, appropriate, and grade-level science instruction. 2. Demonstrate time scheduled for science instruction in elementary school schedules. |
2023-24 |
65% of students will increase science proficiency at grade level. 65% of students will make at least one year’s worth of growth based on their student growth target (SGT) (scaled score, MGP). 65% of students with a significant cognitive disability will make adequate progress in science assessment (grades 4-12). |
Measured by district assessments (exit tickets, performance expectation rubrics) Measured by end-of-year assessment. Time on elementary school schedules. Measured by their IEP goals (collected in Term 4) and/or as measured by the end-of-year Dynamic Learning Maps assessment (grades 3-12). |
Objective 5: Students who are English Language Learners (ELL) will increase English proficiency and be prepared to exit the ELD program on target. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Ensure all ELL students have appropriate English Language Development (ELD) classes, instructional time, or Individual Language Plans (ILP) to support their English language proficiency. | 2024-25 |
65% of MLLs will demonstrate appropriate growth each year. Within five years of entry, 65% of ELLs will reach English proficiency. 65% of MLL students with significant cognitive delays will make appropriate progress on their language goals. |
Review of data over all schools, including WIDA administration, course registration in PowerSchool, monitoring in Ellevation, etc. |
2. Provide ELL students with access to high quality and appropriate ELD instruction that promotes English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. | 2023-24 |
65% of MLLs will demonstrate appropriate growth each year as determined by the WIDA Access. Within five years of entry, 65% of MLLs will reach English proficiency as measured by their WIDA Access scores and exit to monitoring. 65% of MLL students with significant cognitive delays will make appropriate progress on their language goals as measured by their yearly IEPs. |
Determined by the WIDA Access. Measured by their WIDA Access scores and exit to monitoring. Measured by their IEP goals (collected in Term 4). |
3. Ensure ELLs access grade level core content. | 2023-24 | 65% of ELLs will demonstrate content class proficiency. | Measured by end-of-level assessments. |
Objective 6: Students and teachers will increase their knowledge, skills, and understanding of technology integration in instruction and learning. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Provide ongoing support in using technology (hardware, software, and resources) in ways that enhance learning and develop skills needed for ongoing success in each content area. 2. Provide continued professional development and support in the use of consistent learning management tools (LMS) in all grades and schools. |
2023-24 |
Teachers will demonstrate instruction that enhances instruction, including assistive or adaptive technology. Students will demonstrate ethical uses of technology to communicate, research, evaluate, and use information. Students, parents, and teachers will access the district LMS for learning and communication of expectations and results. |
Number of participating teachers in digital teaching learning opportunities. Teacher librarians providing instruction each year in information literacy. Number of Canvas users (students and teachers) throughout the district. |
Goal 3: Access to Expanded Learning OpportunitiesSalt Lake City School District will broaden our students' academic skills, knowledge, and social and emotional capacity in ways that connect school learning to real-world experiences. |
Objective 1: PreK (Early Childhood) students will increase school readiness skills to support the transition into kindergarten. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Provide an early childhood program at all elementary schools, including increased options for collaborative classrooms. | 2026-27 |
50% of students at Title I schools entering kindergarten or 1st grade will have attended a high-quality preschool program within the district between the ages of 3-5. Students will have more options for collaborative classrooms and other services for students with IEPs. |
Number of schools with programs Number of classrooms at schools Number of collaborative and supported classrooms |
2. Ensure students entering Kinder programs from district early childhood programs will demonstrate kindergarten readiness. | 2023-24 | 65% of students will demonstrate readiness using the following measures: |
PEEP/PEEP Exit demonstrating kinder ready KEEP+ Entrance Making appropriate progress on IEP goals when identified as SpEd SpEd Assessment TS Gold monitoring |
3. Increase Early Childhood staff retention and expertise. | 2024-25 | Provide an advanced certification pathway for Early Childhood instructors in Early Childhood Development. | Number of instructors completing an AA degree in Early Childhood Development |
4. Align PreK with district K-12 key strategic curriculum outcomes in content areas. | 2024-25 |
Align PreK curriculum and instruction with K-12 district adopted materials. Provide coaching and support in math, science/STEM, and literacy. Offer professional learning to support Early Childhood general and SpEd instructors in core content areas. |
Review of lesson plans and classroom materials for alignment Calendar of coaching and professional learning opportunities |
5. Relaunch Parents and Teachers (PAT) birth-3 program with sufficient staff and support, including additional training and certification for instructors. | 2025-26 | Increased family-school connection based on home visits and community engagement activities included in the PAT program. | Number of PAT program classes offered in the district |
Objective 2: Students will access innovative learning inside the school building and place-based learning in the community and have opportunities to demonstrate their learning and skills in multiple ways. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Support teachers in developing pedagogy and accessing appropriate resources to support place-based learning and other experience-based or inquiry learning opportunities. | 2023-24 | Teachers will engage in learning experiences that support them in applying their knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts to effectively communicate their learning and inspires further inquiry. | Number of teachers participating in place-based learning opportunities and professional development. |
2. Provide opportunities for students to participate performance-based learning. 3. Provide PreK-12 students with access to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities that promote connections to post-graduation college and career choices, including place-based learning opportunities. |
2026-27 |
Students in all schools will have opportunities to publicly share their learning with the school and the community. Students will participate in one place-based learning or other performance-based learning opportunity per class per semester. 100% of students will participate in place-based STEM activities at least once per semester. |
Number of opportunities to participate in learning opportunities demonstrating real-life learning in places outside of the classroom. Number of STEM activities offered at sites and number of students participating. All students in grades K-6 will have multiple opportunities to create and present artistic performances or artifacts. All students in grades 7-12 will take at least the minimum number of fine arts credits and performance or display their work. |
Objective 3: Middle and high school students will be prepared to identify and opt into areas of interest in early college and career coursework and demonstration post-high school preparation. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Increase middle school students’ access to rigorous courses in preparation for advanced academic courses in high school. | 2024-25 |
Consistent districtwide middle school programming for advanced academics that provides student choice without barriers for enrollment. Demographics in secondary advanced academic classes will match the demographic composition of the school. |
Reviews of school catalogs, course taking patterns, and demographic data. |
2. Increase all high school students’ access to Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, concurrent enrollment (CE), and/or career and technical education (CTE) pathway courses. | 2023-24 | By the end of grade 11, 65% of students will be prepared for post-secondary opportunities by completing one credit of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or concurrent enrollment coursework, or two credits of CTE coursework. |
Review of course taking data. Baseline 2022-23 at 45% and 63%, not including CE* |
Family-School and Community Partnerships and Communication
Goal 1: Family Partnerships and Engagement in EducationSalt Lake City School District will ensure all families are valued, respected, and are treated as equal partners in designing the educational experiences of their children. |
Objective 1: Parents will experience meaningful school interactions and increased involvement as a result of improved family and school partnerships. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Implement the SLCSD Family-School Partnership (FSP) Model | 2026-26 |
80% of schools will have implemented the SLCSD Family-School Partnership Model with fidelity. Increase in parent representation in school leadership roles, such as school community councils. |
Parent Stakeholder Survey |
2. Create Family-School Partnership Teams. | 2025-26 | 90% of schools will engage the FSP Teams to design family engagement activities. | Parent Stakeholder Survey |
3. Create parent resource centers that are available to parents during and after school hours. | 2026-27 | Increase in parent presence in schools with a dedicated space for collaboration and student/family support. |
Accountability Report Parent attendance logs |
Goal 2: Community PartnershipsSalt Lake City School District will build and nurture relationships with community partners to elevate our students and family academic achievement. The Salt Lake City School District values community members, leaders, and business partners. |
Objective 1: Students and families will be provided with the critical resources needed for students to focus on learning. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Identify and collaborate with business and community organizations within district boundaries. | 2023-25 | Increased number of business and community partnerships with the district. | Number of collaboration and partnership agreements completed. |
2. Streamline families’ access to medical, dental, and mental health services. | 2023-25 | Increase in utilization of resources that reduce absenteeism, prevent illnesses, and improve family health. |
Dental preventative care report Vision exam report Clinic utilization report. |
3. Increase awareness of healthcare opportunities for families at each Community Learning Center. | 2023-25 | Increased family attendance at health fairs and Community Learning Centers. |
Marketing materials in multiple languages. Increased the number of health fairs with community partners by 10%. Parent participation log |
4. Ensure schools know and use the resources of volunteer programs and other services available through the Development Office and its partners. | 2023-25 | Increased collaboration with families, business partners, and community volunteers. |
Under Development Parent and Community Survey |
Goal 3: Public Perception and ConnectionsSalt Lake City School District will maintain positive relationships with students, families, community members, elected officials, and community leaders; elevate the public’s perception of our school district as a valuable partner and as a team of influential educational experts; and building trust in the transparency and integrity of our systems. |
Objective 1: Students, families, and community members will feel more connected and informed about district programs, achievements, and operations. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Use results from survey of likely Salt Lake Voters recently conducted by Y2 Analytics to set messaging goals for the coming year and beyond. | 2023-24 |
The Communications and Community Relations Division will use results from a survey and focus groups conducted by Y2 Analytics in the Spring of 2024 to create a plan for communication, marketing, and public perception improvement efforts. While the Y2 Analytics work focused only on likely Salt Lake City voters, it is likely that many of the messaging concerns reflected in the survey extend to the general Salt Lake City/district community. Stakeholders will report increased trust in the district as evidenced by subsequent stakeholder feedback. |
A survey may be conducted in 2029 to measure community sentiment and attitudes towards the district. |
2. Develop a strategic approach to highlight employee and student achievements. | 2023-24 |
Increased number of published stories and media posts about positive accomplishments of district employees and students. Create a master calendar so that the department can anticipate when major recurring awards/achievements are announced. |
Under Development
3. Establish quarterly Communications Council meetings to increase communication between the district and stakeholders. | 2024-25 | The district will increase specific communication channels with measurable increases in collaboration and responses between stakeholders. |
Under Development
4. Provide students and families with a designated point of contact at their school. | 2025-26 | Every student and family will know who their designated point of contact is and how to reach them for help accessing information about district and community resources available to them. |
Learning Environments, Stewardship, and Sustainability
Goal 1: Safe and Efficient FacilitiesSalt Lake City School District will provide schools that are safe, secure, and welcoming. This encompasses effective designs to ensure there are secure entrances and warm and inviting interiors. The district creates spaces to encourage collaboration and facilitate instruction based on best practices. |
Objective 1: Schools will be constructed and maintained based on the following criteria: life and safety; building integrity; and instructional needs. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Ensure improvement projects are designed to promote optimal learning environments for students that align with best practices. | 2028-29 | Elementary and middle schools will have sensory learning spaces that include ergonomic furniture, flexible seating, and other resources that meet the needs of diverse learning modalities. | Verification of completion. |
2. Ensure improvement projects are designed to promote optimal learning environments for students that align with best practices. | 2028-29 | Elementary and middle schools will have sensory learning spaces that include ergonomic furniture, flexible seating, and other resources that meet the needs of diverse learning modalities. | Verification of completion. |
3. Ensure new construction projects will provide equitable access to building facilities. | 2028-29 | 100% of new construction of district buildings will have gender neutral restrooms on every floor. | Verification of completion. |
Objective 2: Staff will continue its work to achieve the goals outlined in district’s sustainability action plan. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Implement sustainability projects | 2024-25 |
Use 100% clean, renewable energy in the electricity sector by 2030. Meet 100% of all district operations energy needs with carbon neutral energy by 2040. Decrease carbon footprint by 25% . Decrease water consumption by 50,000,000 gallons per year. |
Sustainability Report |
2. Develop future capital projects and new construction aligned with the sustainability resolution. a. Striving for carbon neutrality to the best of our ability while remaining mindful of budget constraints. |
2027-28 | Our primary objective is to prioritize cost-effectiveness on our journey toward achieving carbon neutrality. | Capital Projects Report |
Objective 3: Students will be provided with facilities that are designed to effectively deliver college and career pathway learning experiences. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Collaborate with district industry partners and Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to ensure alignment with community and industry needs. | 2024-25 | Increase CTE pathway completion by 30%. | USBE Annual Data reports for LEA review, YOY |
2. Solicit input from community and industry partners in designing CTE classrooms. | 2024-26 | New high school construction plans will be completed subject to bond approval. 75% of CTE classrooms will be designed and built according to current industry standards. | Future classrooms and purchases are aligned with industry standards for equipment and supplies. |
3. Utilize multipurpose learning spaces in elementary and middle schools where teachers and students collaborate and engage in instruction. | 2024-25 |
By the end of 2024, 25% of all classes will be using multipurpose spaces.
Goal 2: Highly Qualified StaffSalt Lake City School District will staff our schools with well-trained and capable employees ready to provide exemplary learning environments for all students and responsive to evolving district needs. |
Objective 1: All students will have access to qualified, experienced, and culturally competent educational personnel. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Recruit district staff for Grow Your Own Program and incentivize them to start their teaching careers with the district. | 2024-25 | 75% of participants who successfully complete the program accept employment with the district as licensed educators. | HRS will track all GYOE candidates’ post-graduation to measure whether they accept employment with the district as licensed educators. |
2. Recruit and encourage students to pursue a career in education by enrolling in Teaching as a Profession pathway. | 2023-24 |
By the end of 2024, the pathway is offered at each comprehensive high school. By the end of 2026, there will be a 200% increase in the number of students enrolled in the pathway. |
Student enrollment in the Teaching as a Profession pathway will be tracked through PowerSchool. |
3. Ensure consistent application of timely and equitable hiring practices, and continually develop and implement innovative recruitment, induction and retention methods. | 2023-24 |
In 100% of hiring practices, a standardized rubric for reviewing application materials and interview processes will be used. Increased affinity feelings toward the district as an employer of choice as evidenced through stay interview data and turnover metrics. |
Hiring materials for every position are monitored by the HRS department. Only those meeting full compliance with established hiring procedures are allowed to proceed. |
4. Streamline hiring practices to reduce time to fill critical positions. | 2023-24 | Reduce time to fill vacant positions by 30%. | HRS is tracking time to hire for each certified position through the online applicant tracking system from the time a request to hire has been submitted to when the request has been processed by HRS staff. |
Goal 3: Student Conduct & Discipline ProcessSalt Lake City School District will ensure consistent and timely responses to student conduct and discipline issues, prioritizing prevention, support, and safety for all students. |
Objective 1: Students will be provided with safe learning environments through the implementation of threat assessment teams. School and district threat assessment teams will systematically analyze and resolve very serious threats of violence in accordance with the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG). |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Create district-level and school-level Threat Assessment teams. | 2024-25 | Every school has a defined CSTAG team led by a trained administrator. | Accountability Report |
2. Attend CSTAG train-the-trainer sessions every four years. | 2024-25 | At least two district staff members are able to provide CSTAG training at any time. |
Accountability Report PD logs |
3. Deliver CSTAG training for school teams every year. | 2024-25 | 90% of school administrators are trained in the CSTAG process. | PD logs |
4. Audit school threat assessment teams twice per year. | 2025-26 | Results from yearly audits will inform future training needs. |
CSTAG Audit Accountability Report |
Objective 2: Students, families, and school personnel will experience a timely and efficient response to all district-level safe school violation referrals. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Decrease the number of days needed to resolve safe school cases, including completion of school-based investigation and reporting. | 2024-25 | District-level safe schools referrals will be resolved within 10 school days from notification to student placement except in exceptional circumstances. | Accountability Report |
Objective 3: Students will be supported by the district safe schools’ team through a postvention system that ensures a seamless transition back to an appropriate educational setting and reduces recidivism. |
Action Steps | Implementation Year | Outcomes By 2029 | Metrics |
1. Develop and expand resources and community partnerships available to support families and students. | 2024-25 |
Increased successful transition of students to a traditional learning environment. Decreased recidivism to five or less students per year. |
Accountability Report |
2. Conduct frequent check-ins with schools after an alternative placement has been made to monitor progress and set timeline for student’s return to an appropriate learning environment. | 2024-25 |
Increased successful transition of students to a traditional learning environment. Decreased recidivism to five or less students per year. |
Accountability Report |
3. Conduct re-entry meetings after an incident to welcome students back to school and to communicate interventions that will be put in place to support all students. | 2024-25 |
Increased successful transition of students to a traditional learning environment. Decreased recidivism to five or less students per year. |
Accountability Report |