UTA Transit Passes for Students
UTA Transit Passes for Students
Salt Lake City School District has joined with the Salt Lake City Mayor’s Office, the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), and the Salt Lake Education Foundation to provide free UTA transit passes to district employees, students, and a parent or guardian from each student household. Every dollar saved makes a great deal of difference for our families. Additionally, by encouraging the use of mass transit and eliminating individual car rides, this program will help improve air quality in our city.
For students, your UTA transit pass from last year is still active for unlimited access to buses, TRAX, UTA On Demand, and the S-Line. If you have lost your pass, please contact your school office. Parents/Guardians can request a pass (one per household) by contacting the office at their student’s school. The passes can be used by parents or guardians as they go about their daily lives, getting to and from work, etc.
See our website or UTA’s website for more information.