Blended Learning Resources
This page is a summary of resources and information that Teaching and Learning has put together to support teachers during remote learning. Educators, academic coaches, and specialists have worked in teams to identify priority standards and assessments to make limited classroom time more efficient.
This information has been sent out in a variety of emails and is located on department webpages and the district document center. This page will serve as the central information point.
Thank you for your emails and comments. And thank you for being here to support students and learning.
Tiffany Hall
- Assessments
- Attendance
- Blended Learning
- Canvas and Teams
- Disclosures
- ELP Services
- FERPA and online teaching
- Literacy / English Language Arts
- Math
- Parent & Student Resources
- Professional Development
- Science
- Software, Resources, and Materials
- Social Studies
- Stipends for teacher planning
- World Languages
- Zoom to teach and build community online (SEL)
Student Data within Illuminate:
While 2020 spring End-Of-Level tests were not given due to the dismissal, student level data within Illuminate is available to assist teachers in getting to know the level of students in each of their classes, in the same way this student level data has been available in the past.
These data will be updated when Illuminate rolls over to the 20-21 school year in early August and syncs with class lists in Power School. Please utilize the following information as you would have during a normal school year start.
As a reminder, there are two ways to view data from the Helpful Report Tile.
- SLCSD Student Profile Report- Will generate a page for each student in your class that contains the last 3 years of data for Acadience, RI, End-of-Level tests, WIDA and SLCSD Interims.
- Student Roster Report Column- Any of these reports will help you look at your whole class for a specific test.
Inspect Interim Blue Assessments:
These are available for teachers to give their students remotely or in person. The blue inspect assessment in Math and English Language Arts are available K-12 and are available to give either the current or previous grade levels Blue interim.
The results should be used for teacher edification only. Please remember that there are two Illuminate links inside Canvas and the one the student will click on depends on how the teacher assigns the test.
Please see the Illuminate@home tile for more information or contact Brittany Dimick at
Normal: Standard administration at schools following testing schedule for all K-3 and identified 4-6.
Blended: Standard administration two half-days at schools for K-3 only. Testers will be at the district office on Wednesdays administering the benchmark assessment with those students who are attending school remotely in a face-to-face manner with scheduled appointments.
Remote: Non-standard administration through video conferencing for K-3 students only. Assessment stations will be set up in the district office for the testing team. Students will be invited to test during a specific time following the school order designated on the green testing schedule. Data gathered will be used to inform instruction and should not be aggregated and used for high stakes educational decisions.
**USBE will hear from Acadience by early August as to the protocols and guidelines for remote administration during remote settings.
Reading Inventory (RI) Testing:
Normal: Standard administration at schools
Blended: Standard administration for those students attending school in person. For those who have chosen to attend remotely non-standard remote testing via RI link shared by teacher in a Canvas module/assignment. Teachers also send parent proctoring guidelines to families.
Remote: Non-standard administration through RI link shared by teacher in a Canvas module/assignment. Teachers also send parent proctoring to families.
Licenses will be available for 4-12th grade students during each testing window.
- Fall: Aug/Sept
- Winter: Jan/Feb
- Spring: April/May
For schools testing 5 times per year they may test during:
- November
- March
If a school administers RI to 2nd and 3rd grade students, those students will need to test outside the 4-12th grade testing windows at their school.
Please email at least 24 hours prior to testing so licenses can be allocated for any students who may have transferred into your class.
WIDA Screening:
Normal: Standard WIDA Online Screener administration at schools by ALS coordinator or WIDA certified designee. Kindergarten 1-1 administration by ALS coordinator or WIDA certified designee.
Blended: Standard WIDA Online Screener administration for those students attending school in person.
Remote: For those attending remotely there are two options:
- WIDA Online Screener may be administered in person by the ALS coordinator or their designee by individual appointment.
- If standard screening is not possible, non-standard remote screening via new WIDA Remote Screener is administered by ALS coordinator or WIDA certified designee. Students will be required to take the standard WIDA Online Screener upon physical return to school.
- Non-standard administration remote testing via new WIDA Remote Screener by the ALS coordinator or WIDA certified designee. Students will be required to take the standard WIDA Online Screener upon return to school.
**Detailed information and training options for the new WIDA Remote Screener will be sent to ALS coordinators July 17.
Attendance in a remote/online setting this fall is very important. USBE has asked us to articulate how we will be ensuring that students are attending and that we are accounting for them as learners.
The proposed plan looks like this:
A. When a student is being educated through a remote/virtual learning environment, the district will track the student’s attendance at live or synchronous sessions and through the completion of independent or asynchronous work.
- Teachers are expected to take and reconcile attendance each day.
- Students will be required to complete an assignment that demonstrates their understanding of the days’ learning.
- Teachers will record attendance weekly but will be able to update the attendance logs for any student completing the required assignment(s) within ten school days. Once ten school days has passed, the student will be marked absent for any day during which they did not demonstrate attendance.
- In a hybrid learning environment (both in-person and remote learning environments), we will also include in-person class attendance as part of the measurement.
- Parents can review their student’s attendance record in the PowerSchool Parent Portal and can also observe their student’s daily activity in Canvas.
Please click here for a visual and an example.
One thing to remember is that when a student watches the recorded version of a course and completes the learning demonstration, there is no late penalty for them. I like to use the "late" notification to help me see that there was a change, not to take off points.
Blended Learning
Principles for Remote Learning
USBE has partnered with UEN to provide Utah educators a self-paced Canvas course to support best practices with remote learning. This course explores best practices for designing asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities for students, providing flexibility for student needs and circumstances, facilitating positive and constructive feedback in all areas of learning, techniques for maintaining active engagement in a remote setting, and communicating effectively with students and their families. Additionally, it highlights resources and USBE staff recommendations for essential standards in the content areas for PreK-12. This course may be completed for 1 USBE credit and/or can be explored as a resource to support the efforts to plan for the upcoming school year. Educators may register for “Principles for Remote Learning” by clicking this link. The course will begin Friday, July 31 and be facilitated entirely in Canvas.
Learning resources and activities
Best-practice strategies for blended learning will be integrated into all professional development through the summer and next year:
Connecting to key standards and core ideas
Creating projects that include choices for students in how and when they complete them within the module (for instance, within a week rather than on a certain day)
Building interdependence and independence into learning designs
Access is a critical concern for providing an equitable education. We are supported by the monumental work of the IT Department and the Salt Lake Education Foundation to increase access to technology and the internet throughout our communities. The IT Department is creating systems to make our device checkout more efficient when emergencies occur and to create opportunities for all our neighborhoods to have internet after school and at home.
A strategic and district-wide step to meeting these goals is to begin using a consistent learning platform throughout the district. This will support our work through future state health directives as well as snow days, extended absences, home health plans, and make up work. Students will benefit in many ways by adopting a consistent platform.
We are attending to potential learning loss and student support to ensure that all students are able to continue their academic pathways successfully. This includes plans for initial assessments at the beginning of the school year; using that data to adapt curriculum maps to spiral instruction and close gaps; and ongoing coaching and support to help teachers adapt curriculum and move into blended learning models.
We are investigating options for additional high-quality online content to support blended instruction. We are also working with our software program partners to integrate content into Canvas; this will streamline access to our content applications (the list of approved software is here). Working with the IT Department, we are creating an agile process for schools to look at online programs and applications they would like to propose using at their sites.
Some readings about blended learning:
9 Ways Online Teaching Should Be Different than Face-to-Face
Best practices for building Universal Design principles into your Canvas courses (n.d.).
CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines
Moore, E. (2017, October 16). Implementing Universal Design for Learning on Canvas.
Canvas and Teams
Our standard district learning platform is Canvas. This means that all instruction and programs should start in Canvas so that all parents and students have one place to start their learning sessions. The following resources will help you get that started.
SLCSD courses
Link to Self-Enroll for Canvas Beginning Course
Link to Self-Enroll for Canvas Intermediate Course
Link to Self-Enroll for Canvas Advanced Course
The following are links to pages and content found in the Canvas Support Course
Setting Up Navigation for the Prek-2 Template
Uploading an Image to a Canvas Page
Embedding an Office 365 Document on a Content Page or Assignment
Disclosures that include updated information for remote and online learning are located here.
They are models and can be edited to meet the needs of a teacher or class.
A Spanish translation is included for the new remote and online sections.
ELP Services
During remote and blended learning, Extended Learning Programs will be available with a few modifications.
Identified Magnet ELP Students:
- Remote Learning
All students will be starting remote learning in the classes they would be in if school were meeting in person. Students will meet remotely with their MELP teachers and continue to work with depth and complexity. - Virtual Learning
Magnet: The district will not provide magnet services to students who choose to remain in a virtual program when we return to school in a hybrid or traditional schedule. When students return to in-person (traditional) school, they will return to their MELP placement.
Identified Neighborhood ELP Students
- Neighborhood: Students in grades 4-6 will be able to access NELP services from their home school.
Three Opt-in Application Windows
- Pre-K and Kindergarten
September 8-January 22 - Grades 1-7
September 8-October 14 - Grade 6
August 27 – September 8- Neighborhood ELP: All 6th grade students who apply for testing and do not qualify for Magnet ELP may opt in to honors classes (currently NELP).
- Magnet ELP: All Magnet ELP 6th grade students will qualify for Magnet ELP in 7th grade – no additional assessment necessary.
Assessment Schedule
- Opt-in Assessments
All opt-in assessments will take place when SLCSD is on a Hybrid or Traditional Schedule (originally scheduled for November, grades 1-7, and March, grades preschool and kindergarten). - Universal Assessments
- 4th grade-no assessments until Hybrid (mid-year or next year).
- All 4th grade students will have the opportunity to participate in ‘NELP 4th Grade Discovery Lessons’ on Canvas.
- Pre-K and Kindergarten – no assessments until Hybrid Schedule (originally scheduled for January).
- 4th grade-no assessments until Hybrid (mid-year or next year).
FERPA and online teaching
USBE has given guidance on student information confidentiality on their website.
Student Confidentiality
The following is a list of questions we have been asked, and are addressing, as the COVID-19 pandemic develops.
Can schools hold virtual classes even though others in the student’s home may be able to see the class?
Virtual learning may occur even if others in the home may observe the online class. The United States Department of Education has released Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Virtual Learning Related Resources March 2020 (External Web Content), which answers questions related to virtual learning and following FERPA. The following statement from the document addresses this question: “Under FERPA, the determination of who can observe a virtual classroom, similar to an in-person classroom, is a local school decision as teachers generally do not disclose personally identifiable information from a student’s education record during classroom instruction. FERPA neither requires nor prohibits individuals from observing a classroom."
There is an app/website/service we want to use with virtual learning? Is it allowed?
Any disclosure from education records will still have to meet the requirements of state/federal law, which has certain requirements when information is disclosed. Not every usage of an online service means information is disclosed from an education record. For example, asking students to view a video on YouTube (External Web Content) generally would not require any information to be disclosed from education records. If Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is disclosed, but only directory information is disclosed (e.g., a login is created to access a resource library), then you may use the resource in accordance with your directory information policy. If PII is disclosed, you should also consider if it is a general audience website (i.e., not specifically intended for K-12 audiences). If it is for general audiences, for example, a website like Zoom (External Web Content), then you only need to ensure that the website does not claim control/ownership over the information and that they do not redisclose the PII. If it is an educational website receiving PII, certain requirements will need to appear in the online agreement. This can be handled by having the provider sign a Data Privacy Agreement (DPA). It is also possible that they may meet the audit requirement in other ways, such as by publicly posting the results of a self-assessment of their privacy policies (e.g., if they have signed the Student Privacy Pledge 2020 (External Web Content)) or if they have been reviewed by a Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) safe harbor (e.g., Privo, iKeepSafe, TrustArc).
May we share student contact information with classmates so they may stay in touch during the soft closure?
In general, yes, parents may request the contact information of their child’s peers, and schools may generally share it with them. In all cases, a school may disclose a student’s email address to a classmate. They may also disclose a student’s phone number unless the parent has opted out of the disclosure in accordance with the school’s directory information policy.
May we disclose student personally identifiable information to outside entities addressing the COVID-19 outbreak?
Under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), schools may share student information with public health officials and other outside entities in situations where there is a significant and articulable threat to the health and safety of students and others in the school community.
If we have additional privacy questions, who should we contact?
The entire student privacy team is ready to answer any additional privacy questions. Please send an e-mail to
Literacy / English Language Arts
Over the summer, Academic Coaches have been working to identify essential standards and work through ways to help teachers navigate Wonders online.
ELA Essential Elementary Standards
ELA Essential Secondary Standards
Based on the Essential Standards, the follow pacing guides will assist in planning through the remote, hybrid, and traditional sections of the year.
Wonders Pacing Guides:
Over the summer, Math Coaches have been adjusting pacing maps and working on assessment planning to help teachers be ready to work with the students in front of them.
The Mathematics Department has also added resources to the Eureka math program that will make assessments more efficient and online student work easier to assign. These will be a significant part of the professional development for teachers in August.
Parent & Student Resources
You can link to these here or download them and use them in other places.
Parent Guide to Canvas (English)
Guía para los padres sobre Canvas (Spanish)
The following file holds guides for logging into Canvas in many languages.
Link to all available languages
Sora Online Library Instructions (SLCSD Online Library)
Professional Development
New pacing guides for K-6 science have been released and are on the District Science Homepage. We have prioritized standards to focus on developing critical skills and dispositions in STEM for 2020-2021.
To support elementary teachers with implementation of Utah’s NEW Science with Engineering Education Standards(SEEd Standards) and the integration of Canvas, we are preparing Canvas exemplars that teachers can import and use, including:
Mystery Science Lessons (grades K-5)
FOSS at Home Resources (grades K-6)
Canvas exemplars for science will be released through Canvas Commons on August 10, 2020.
We are working together with the SL Education Foundation to prepare STEM lessons and materials (to be used at home) for our “unconnected” students. We believe ALL students should have access to science, and technology should not be a barrier to access. More information forthcoming!
Professional Learning:
A professional learning to prepare teachers for SEEd Standards in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade is now available! This PD is taught in an on-line format and models digital pedagogies that support SEEd Standards. Teachers will receive materials and training on grade specific lessons for 3rd, 4th or 5th grade. I have negotiated a reduced cost of $200 per teacher for SLCSD. Click here for more information for the Gather Reason Communicate PD in August.
School Specialties is offering a FREE webinar for teachers who use FOSS that will dive into online tools to support FOSS lessons. Find the event details here. Registration link is forthcoming. Save the date!
Our District Science Department will be offering on-line professional learning on how to use Mystery Science and FOSS in a digital environment in August! Stay tuned!
If you have any questions, please contact Candace Penrod at
Software, Resources, and Materials
District-wide Software to Support High-Quality Curriculum and Teaching
Teaching and Learning and Information Technology recognize that we need to have consistent, high-quality curriculum support for teachers as they move more instruction online. We have been reviewing software usage in the district and conducting research to determine which programs align with our core standards and adopted programs and also meet state and federal requirements for personally identifiable information (PII).
Status Document!
This document, Software and Programs: Information for Teachers, is a list of all software and programs running for educational use in the district. It includes current status updates on rostering or other technical issues. Please check this document before you call the help desk to see if the problem you are having has already been identified. If it has, please know that it is being worked on. This document will be updated when issues are identified or resolved.
The following table lists what we will have available next year from the district level for the grades as specified and provides guidance about purchasing site-specific software. We are working to connect all of these programs within Canvas, our learning management system (LMS), so that students can access all their learning resources within this shell. All Microsoft 365 programs, including Teams, will continue to be a part of our work.
The complete list of district-approved software is on the District Approved Technology and Software page. There is also a form on the left to submit additional programs for approval. Please note that the current approval process, which includes contacting the company, reviewing their security agreements, and securing an MOU between the company and district, takes about four (4) weeks.
The following chart identifies all online resources available to support teachers in planning remote or blended learning.
Program |
Availability |
Content Focus |
Instructional focus |
Implementation support |
Wonders Online (Peggy Paterson) |
K-6 |
Basal program for English language arts with an added ELD component. |
Literacy Coaches ELD specialist |
Lexia Core5 (Peggy Paterson) |
K-5 |
Phonological Awareness Phonics, Structural Analysis, Vocabulary, Comprehension delivered in a blended learning format. Students are placed and progress through each level at an individual pace. Lessons and skill builders are provided to assist teachers in providing intervention and extra practice. |
Literacy Coaches Lexia support both online and in-person |
Lexia PowerUp (Peggy Paterson) |
6-12 (Middle and High application) |
ELA: Reading, SpEd, ELD |
Word study, grammar, and comprehension in a blended learning format. Students are placed and progress through each level at an individual pace. Lessons and skill builders are provided to assist teachers in providing intervention and extra practice. PowerUP is designed as an intervention at the secondary level. |
Literacy Coaches Lexia support both online and in-person
Eureka Math Online (Holley McIntosh) |
K-6 |
Mathematics |
Math Supervisor, Math Coaches |
- Eureka in Sync |
K-6 |
A suite of resources to support flexible, blended digital learning while maintaining coherent and focused math instruction. This includes:
Math Supervisor, Math Coaches
- Eureka Equip |
1-6 |
A suite of assessment resources to identify gaps in foundational knowledge important for the current module and targeted instructional recommendations to efficiently bridge gaps for individuals, small groups and whole classes. This includes:
Math Supervisor, Math Coaches
ST Math (Holley McIntosh) |
K-6 Licenses available at sites for students supported by STEM AC grant; schools can complete their schools at a reduced price. |
Mathematics |
Visual, non-language based, online instructional math program. The topics contain math puzzles and math games that are core aligned and topics can be assigned to match Eureka Math pacing (see alignment guide in DDC). Deepens conceptual understanding, develops pattern recognition and fosters mathematical reasoning. New fluency practice coming this year. |
Math Supervisor Math Coaches ST Math Consultants for PD and support, ST Math techs for online support
Mystery Science (Candace Penrod) |
K-5 |
Science |
Online student-facing science “mysteries” are presented for figuring out/investigating. Includes shorter Mini lessons (5-7 min), Units with multiple lessons (several 30 min sessions), and Anchor lessons with phenomenon (several 30 min sessions). Easy to connect with Canvas. |
FOSS At Home |
K-8 |
Science |
Online resources to support science learning at home for classrooms with FOSS kits. Focuses on home investigations and science literacy. |
Newsela (Peggy Paterson) |
3-12 |
ELA, Science, Social Studies |
Offers current event articles and texts at five levels in ELA (literary and informational), science, and social studies. Resources such as lesson ideas, activities, quizzes, and writing prompts are included. |
Academic Coaches (literacy, math, science). P.D. support from Newsela |
Nearpod (Sallie Warnecke) |
K-12 Funded through UEN |
All contents |
All subject areas are embedded in the tool. It provides opportunities for immediate feedback for the teacher, student engagement, assessment, collaboration, self-paced, whole group instruction. |
Digital Learning Supervisor and Coaches |
Sora |
K-12 |
Online reading options through the SLCSD library |
Online library is open 24/7/365 for all students and faculty. SLCSD has curated a nationally-recognized K-12 collection that includes Utah writers, diverse authors and voices, and resources for teachers to recommend as supplemental reading on a variety of topics. |
Katie Ieremia Library Technology Teachers |
Common Lit (Peggy Paterson) |
7-12 |
EL, science, social studies |
Literature and informational text for use in ELA, science, and social studies. Additional resources include related media, lessons, scaffolded supports, reports, and parent guides. Common Lit is a good source for building background for ELs. |
Literacy Coaches |
Zoom |
K-12 |
All contents |
Communication (large group and small group). Students can be placed into planned or random breakout groups; private meetings can be supported with the lobby; and large groups can be seen at one time. |
Online training videos will be placed in an open Canvas training class. |
Seesaw |
K-2, SpEd |
*still in negotiation |
Social Studies
Spotlight Resources:
- Spotlight Article: Teachers share tips for live, online teaching
- Social Studies Canvas for Teachers – Has links and resources to support you in remote and other learning environments. You can access the Social Studies K-6 Canvas or the Social Studies 7-12 Canvas.
- Be sure to check out the helpful links page which has resources listed under each grade/content area or the online teaching links with information for remote learning.
News You Can Use
- You’re not alone! If you need a thought partner to help you convert lessons to the SLCSD Canvas modules just send me an email and we can arrange a Team meeting to discuss it.
- I’m working with a couple of different groups of teachers to develop exemplar modules. In our work together, we discovered it is important to plan out a module before developing it. I’ve created a template to help us think through our module planning. You might find it useful, too, and you can find it on the Social Studies Canvas home page highlighted in green.
- NCSS is offering free webinars specific for teaching social studies remotely. Register for upcoming webinars or scroll down to access the recordings of previous webinars.
- Other resources are available on the NCSS Covid-19 Resource Page for teachers
FREE Professional Development Opportunities:
- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Digital academy for ALL teachers starting July 20
- UEN’s Reimagine Learning Virtual Conference held on July 29. the Reimagine Learning, UEN Virtual Conference
- National Council for History Education (NCHE) has a series of webinars on Critical Conversations on Race, Ethnicity, and History:Webinars, Book Talks, and More!
- NCHE Equity Summit held August 4-6.
Stipends for teacher planning
Using CARES funds, we are able to offer a $250 stipend for teachers who have their Canvas course ready before the first day of school. Teachers will review their course(s) with their site administrator. The Site Administrator submits the completed rubric and paysheet to T&L.
The start date for school has changed to September 8. However, we want to honor the work done before school starts on the original schedule outlined in June.
If you need additional help, we will provide more professional development and support when we are back on contract, August 18 through August 24. You will also have access to collaborative team planning to support using both synchronous and asynchronous teaching to meet the needs of your students.
August 24 is the deadline for the stipend. Submit completed rubrics and pay sheet (include multiple teachers per pay sheet) to Gwen Servan-Hensley by Monday, August 31.
World Languages
World Languages Resources:
- Check out the great information & tips from North Carolina Public Instruction specifically for world language teachers teaching remotely.
- World Language Canvas for Teachers – Has a collection of links and resources to support you in remote and other learning environments. You can access it at Studies K-6 Canvas
- Be sure to check out the revised strategies page and the helpful links page which has resources listed under each target language area. There are also links with information for remote learning.
- ACTFL resources that address issues of Race, Diversity, and Social Justice
- Sign language interpreting gives deaf community crucial access to coronavirus information
News You Can Use
- You’re not alone! If you need a thought partner to help you convert lessons to the SLCSD Canvas modules just send me an email and we can arrange a Team meeting to have a discussion with me or Michele Harward.
- I’m working with a group of teachers representing Spanish, Chinese, French, and German who are developing exemplar modules they will be sharing with you. In our work together, we discovered it is important to plan out a module before developing it. I’ve created a template to help us think through our module planning. You might find it useful, too, and you can find it on the World Languages Canvas home page highlighted in green.
FREE Professional Development Opportunities:
- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Digital academy for ALL teachers starting July 20
- UEN’s Reimagine Learning Virtual Conference held on July 29.
- Don’t forget to check the ACTFL Covid-19 Resource page for great ideas, resources, and webinars.
Zoom to teach and build community online (SEL)
Getting to know students and building classroom relationships is as important in an online classroom as it is in your physical classroom. All of the things you do at the start of the year as just as important--if slightly different--when you are in an online setting.
The following is a collection of resources about building online community with your students in a remote situation.
SLCSD Zoom for Educators Resources
Tip and Tricks for Teaching with Zoom This article includes links for "how to" within Zoom at the end.
12 Ways to Build Relationships with Students Virtually
8 Ways to Be More Inclusive in Your Zoom Teaching