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Digital Learning

Welcome to the Digital Learning  Team for the Salt Lake City School District. It is our mission to empower all students to learn not only to use technology, but to love learning through the implementation of project-based learning through technology. Technology itself is not enough. One must be able to implement it in daily life. 

The Digital Learning team works with students and teachers to provide resources, professional development, and model teaching to our great educators and students. 

Each school has an assigned Digital Learning Content Area Specialist (CAS)  to help with the implementation and integration of technology into all curricular areas.

For the school year of 2024-2025, the following schools have been selected to have a full time CAS:

-Mountain View Elementary School, Brett Rydalch

-Uintah Elementary School, Greg Hogan

-District Canvas CAS -Doug Rolley

-District PCBL CAS - Stephanie Quinlan