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Board Report for October 15, 2024

The Board of Education met on Tuesday, October 15, 2024. You can watch the whole meeting on our YouTube channel, or click on each heading to jump straight to that report.


The board recognized and honored the 2025 District Classified Employees of the Year: 

  • Buildings and Grounds: Victoria Strode, Head Custodian at East High School 
  • Child Nutrition: Elizabeth Rios, Nutrition Manager at Nibley Park School 
  • Hourly Employee: Vanessa Lara, Hourly Office Assistant at Uintah Elementary 
  • Office Personnel: Christa Hulin, Administrative Secretary at Beacon Heights Elementary 
  • Transportation: Colby Griffis, Transportation Technician  

Congratulations to these excellent employees on this well-deserved recognition. 

Board Goals 

Board members received detailed reports on three topics that have been suggested as board goals: career and technical education (CTE), absenteeism, and literacy. The career and technical education report highlighted the district’s current programs that provide pathways for certifications and hands-on training for students. The absenteeism report focused on student attendance trends and efforts to reduce chronic absenteeism. The literacy report emphasized the district’s work to improve reading proficiency and provide literacy training for teachers.  

Sustainability Update 

The district is currently in phase two of its sustainability plan. Phase one included switching to LED lights in all schools and installing solar panels at six schools. Phase two adds solar panels to seven more schools and one district building and improves energy efficiency around exterior doors. Once both phases are complete, the district expects to save nearly $20 million in utility costs over the next 25 years. 

Fall Enrollment Reports 

The demographic reports for the 2024-25 school year are based on the October 1 enrollment count, which tells us how many students are in the district. Other reports show the demographic breakdown of our students, how many attend schools outside their neighborhood school boundaries, and how many different languages our students speak. This year, the chief information officer also created a report showing where students from the four closed elementary schools are now attending. The reports will be available on the district website after a final check for errors.  

Review of 2023-2024 Student End-of-Year Testing Data and School Report 

This item was postponed and will be discussed in a future board meeting.