Career and Technical Education (CTE)
What is Career and Technical Education (CTE)?
The CTE program in the Salt Lake City School District is designed to empower students to live, learn and work as productive citizens in a global society. CTE offers our students the unique ability to get specific, practical and professional skills that can make the difference in getting a first job or making your college application stand out!
CTE incorporates challenging academic experiences which can lead to an industry certificate in addition to enhancing a student's high school diploma by:
- Advancing and empowering students to participate in work-based learning experiences as part of the international economy as world-class workers and contributing citizens of our society;
- Demonstrating competency in high-demand skills needed to get a job, advancement in various job positions, or retraining for a new career, all based on rigorous industry and academic standards;
- Completing a CTE program that consists of a planned program of courses and learning experiences begin with the exploration of career options, supports basic academic and life skills, and enables achievement of high academic standards, leadership, options for high-skill, high-wage employment preparation, and advanced ad continuing education.
In the SLCSD, we offer CTE programs in over 40 occupational areas, allowing students to acquire both technical (hands-on) and academic skills. Over the course of three years starting in 10th grade, students receive 1,080 hours of specific instruction, using state-of-the-art equipment, and under the watchful eye of experienced industry professionals trained to teach our students in the classroom.