Assessment and Evaluation
Salt Lake City School District Research & Evaluation team supports program evaluations, is responsible for assessing and conducting analyses of data, and reporting the findings to broad audiences. Data Analytics team is responsible for publishing and maintaining Power BI dashboard applications for schools and central district office users. Illuminate is a data collection and reporting platform that is designed for teachers and instructional coaches. Over 700 tests are published district wide annually on this platform. Data are uploaded from tests taken on Illuminate and other platforms like Acadience, WIDA, and RISE for teachers to access. We collect student level data for departments in a reliable fashion. We place these data in more than 100 different reports with different levels access and filters. Data Assessment team supports schools in the completion of district and state assessments. We organize, train, and schedule a testing team to assist with Acadience Reading, Acadience Math, WIDA (Screener and ACCESS) and ELP testing. Additionally, we provide personnel to answer procedural questions, provide necessary administration materials, and offer professional development at a variety of levels. We monitor ethical testing practices and assure compliance with federal, state and district accountability and policy rules.