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Community Education Central Office Contact information


Community Education

1078 South 300 East
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111


Program Specialist with Support Schools:

Contact our Program Specialists at:

Program Specialists


Every district student will have lifelong learning access to high-quality programs through the Community Education Department.

Mission Statement:
Community Education provides a range of enrichment experiences that ensure every student is Ready for Tomorrow.

Program Philosophy:

The gap between the skills people learn and the skills people need is becoming more obvious, as traditional learning falls short of equipping students with the knowledge, they need to thrive in the 21st century. Today’s job candidate must be able to collaborate, communicate, solve problems (critical thinking), and think outside the box (creativity). The Community Education After-School Program believes that we can develop all these skills mainly through social and emotional learning (SEL).
Our Community Education After-School Programs’ enrichment activities focus on SEL because the research has shown that the long-term benefits of its outcomes have produced higher rates of employability and educational fulfillment. Focusing on the social and emotional proficiency of a student will equip children to succeed in this evolving 21st century world and to be Ready for Tomorrow.

1. Provide quality supervision to students while parents are at work.
2. Promote social and emotional growth of all students in the after-school program.
3. Offer enrichment programs that supplement academic learning time during after-school.

Program Overview:
The Community Education After-School Programs’ enrichment activities are designed to provide a safe place for children to experience academic enrichment, SEL growth, keep kids active and healthy, and meet the needs of the Salt Lake City School District (SLCSD) community. The Community Education After-School Programs are funded by tuition and grants. All our SLCSD elementary and middle schools have an after-school program to support our families.
The After-School Program expectations align with the school day expectations. Daily rotations include CARE (Café, Academics, Recreation, & Enrichment):
Café: a daily healthy Smart Snack is provided (Kids Café meal served at Title 1 schools);
Academics: homework time with assistance, drop everything and read (DEAR) time.
Recreation: daily physical fitness activity.
Enrichment activities: daily Harmony SEL; Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) activities; Digital Citizenship; Health and Wellness; Multicultural Arts; Service-Learning projects; special interest enrichment clubs, and content area field trips.

Program Hours:

The program Hours are from school dismissal until 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

We will not be in session on:
• non-school days,
• scheduled SEP days,
• the day before winter break, or
• any early release days that have been set by the schools.


Sample Schedule:

• Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $50.00 (Standard Fee Schools) $15.00 (Title 1 Schools)$25.00 (Nibley Park and Middle Schools)
• Monthly Tuition Fee:

 Tuition assistance is available.

  •  $260.00 (Standard Fee-Based Schools)
  •  $ 50.00 (Title 1 Schools)
  •  $ 50.00 (Nibley Park School)
  •  $ 75.00 (Middle Schools – one-time fee for the year, Nibley Park Middle School)

▪ Tuition is billed on the 15th of the previous month.
▪ Tuition is due on the 1st of each month.
• All families should notify the Community Education After-School Programs staff of any transfer requests before the monthly billing cycle (the 15th of each month), or they will be charged for the following month’s tuition.
• Give us two (2) weeks’ notice if your child will no longer be attending our Community Education After-School Programs. If you choose to remove your child out of the program, please contact the site coordinator of the school site.



Community Partners:

1.       Utah State Extension (USU) 4 H 

2.       AmeriCorps 

3.       Bad Dog Arts 

4.       Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah (BBBS) 

5.       Salt Lake City Boys and Girls Club 

6.       Child Care Licensing 

7.       Clever Octopus Creative Reuse

8.       Commonsense Digital Citizenship 

9.       Eccles Dinosaur Park 

10.   Discovery Gateway Children's Museum Science Education Outreach Department

11.   Drum Bus

12.   Drum Utah  

13.   Chess Wizards

14.   Department of Workforce Services 

15.   Fidelity Investments

16.   US Forest Service Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest 

17.   Foss Kits School Specialty 

18.   Heartland for Youth and Family 

19.   Hill Airforce Museum

20.   InMotion Jr. Golf

21.   Intramural Sports SLCSD

22.   KidStage 

23.   Leonardo Museum

24.   Loveland Living Planet Aquarium 

25.   Natural Museum of History 

26.   Salt Lake County Parks and Rec. 

27.   Paul Brewer Magic and Science

28.   Clark Planetarium 

29.   Play Works Utah

30.   Red Star Bussing 

31.  RadGeekery

32.   Salt Lake City School District Departments and Schools.

33.   Salt Lake City Fire Department 

34.   Save a Heart 

35.   Scales and Tales 

36.   Salt Lake Afterschool Regional Network (SLARN) 

37.   STEM ECO System University of Utah 

38.   Thanksgiving Point 

39.   Tracy Aviary 

40.   Utah Afterschool Network (UAN 

41.   University of Utah Neighborhood Partnerships 

42.   Utah board of Education 

43.   Utah Food Bank 

44.   Utah Safe Net 

45.   We Play (Rose Park) 

46.   Wheeler Farm 


First page of the PDF file: DayontheHillFlyer2023
First page of the PDF file: CE-ImpactReport2022-23_1
First page of the PDF file: CEASPSupportsStudents2023_1