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Skill Certificate

Competency-based testing has grown to become an integral part of Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum, program improvement and accountability strategies. CTE courses are based on objectives and standards created by the State Office of Education in conjunction with business and industry partners. Students may earn a certificate verifying skill attainment in CTE courses. There certificates list the specific skills the student has learned and can be used when applying for employment or compiling a portfolio.

The primary purpose of the assessment system is to improve CTE program curriculum and instruction. A core set of skills were identified for each of the assessments in the Skills Certificate program by the state CTE program specialists, classroom teachers, and the business community. In addition, students who pass the performance assessment and correctly answer eighty percent of the questions on the multi-choice assessment receive a certificate that lists the standards measured by the test.

Click here to view Skill Certification Tests listed by Career Cluster

Click here for more information from the Utah State Board of Education regarding Skills Certification Tests.

Skill certificate