Professional Development
The Professional Development department is dedicated to enhancing the skills and knowledge of educators across all levels. The department supports ongoing, sustained, and job-embedded events as well as special learning opportunities. Professional learning is evaluated to ensure that time and resources are used effectively. We believe that professional growth fosters continuous improvement for all educators and elevates student learning outcomes across the district.
2024-25 PD Days
Date |
Activity |
Level |
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 |
District PD Opening Day 1 |
Elementary teachers |
School-based PD |
Middle and High school teachers |
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 |
School -based PD |
Elementary teachers |
District PD Opening Day 1 |
Middle school teachers |
District PD Day 2: T & L Sessions |
High school teachers |
Thursday, August 15, 2024 |
District PD Day 2: T & L Sessions |
Elementary teachers |
Teacher Workday |
Middle school teachers |
District PD Opening Day 1 |
High school teachers |
Friday, August 16, 2024 |
Teacher workday |
Elementary and High school teachers |
District PD Day 2: T & L Sessions |
Middle school teachers |
Monday, August 19, 2024 |
Teacher Workday |
All levels |
Friday, September 27, 2024 |
SLCSD TEDx (non-student / non-contract day) |
All levels |
All Office Professionals |
Monday, October 21, 2024 |
PD opportunities (watch for emails) (non-student / non-contract day) |
All levels |
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 |
PD opportunities (watch for emails) (non-student / non-contract day) |
All levels |
Monday, March 31, 2025 |
PD opportunities (watch for emails) (non-student / non-contract day)) |
All levels |
Friday, May 30, 2025 |
PD opportunities (watch for emails) (non-student / non-contract day) |
Elementary and Middle school teachers |
- Are you wondering when your teaching license needs to be renewed?
- Check the USBE resource Educator Lookup Tool.
- All information regarding licensing and relicensure is managed by the USBE and can be found here. All Educator Licenses expire on June 30th of the license renewal year (either a 3 or 5-year cycle). Renewal of current licenses may be completed between January 1 and June 29th of the expiring year. Early renewals are not permitted.
- A written step-by-step guide to Educator Licensing Renewals provided by USBE can be found here.
- Licensing is now done through a new state system Utah Schools Information Management System (USIMS). For more information, please contact USBE directly here.
- Lane Change/USBE credits are found in MIDAS
- Some SLCSD relicensure hours are tracked in Kickup (accessible through Clever or under the "Employee" tab on the SLCSD main page)
- Not all relicensure hours are tracked. USBE allows certificates, agendas, programs, email confirmations, etc. to verify relicensure hours. They do not need to be posted.
- Lane Changes are managed by the Human Resource Services. For questions, contact HR ( The form to apply for a Lane Change can be found here.
- Looking for information about CACTUS and your CACTUS number? has the answers, click here.
HB 396
2024-2025 HB396
Educator Personal Professional Hours Plans
HB396 provides SLCSD with funding for educators to complete hours of paid professional time at their hourly rate. This includes general education and special education teachers, counselors, school specialists, library technology teachers, school psychologists, speech pathologists, audiologists and building administrators. Hourly teachers are not eligible.
SLCSD has created several pre-approved plans for teachers. These plans may be found in the district catalog on the HB396 webpage.
Individuals may also choose to use their hours on an endorsement or university course. If educators chose an Individual Plan, they will need to complete the form found on this page prior to beginning their work. Plans should demonstrate that they are imbedded in broad school-wide and LEA-wide educational improvement plans (as described in the legislation outlined here).
Plans must be submitted using the district form BEFORE the end of the day on SEPTEMBER 30, 2024. All Individual Plans must reviewed and approved by your supervisor prior to beginning any work. Pre-approved district plans, university courses or endorsements do not need supervisor approval.
Professional development work for HB396 may be completed between July 1, 2024, and the last day of the school year, May 30, 2025.
A timecard and activity log of your hours and activities must be reviewed and signed by your principal no later than JUNE 1, 2025, that timecard may be found on this page.
However, you do not need to wait until the last day of the school year to complete and submit your hours. You can submit your hours as soon as you have completed your professional development. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MAY ONLY SUBMIT ONE TIMECARD and ACTIVITY LOG which must include all of your hours. Be sure all your hours are complete before you submit it to the district office for payment. Your original timecard, with original signatures must be submitted, email or other electronic copies/electronic signatures cannot be accepted. Payments will begin to be processed after SLCSD receives the funding from the state, currently anticipated to be early 2025.
Submit your completed timecard/activity log to the Professional Development Office, attn. Katie Ieremia. It must be received by June 11, 2025.
Educators will be paid at their hourly rate. Your hourly rate and location can be found in Employee Online. Download a copy of the activity log and timecard to maintain your records here. (File>Download a copy>Save to your files)
All educators must complete their hours outside of contract time. If you have a regularly scheduled meeting or planning time with your school, this cannot be used to pay for that time; that is double-dipping. This is for work outside of the regularly scheduled contract day. It can be used for activities on non-school days.
The full bill can be found at:
Questions?, subject line HB396
Helpful Links
24-25 HB396 PD Options Catalog
24-25 Required District Form for submission of plan (due September 30, 2024)
Office Professionals Incentive Program (OPIP) is a program available for all Office Professionals. The program is designed to provide an incentive for contract Office Professionals to increase their job skills by participating in approved courses and/or workshops. The courses must be related to CURRENT job assignment and current department/school/district needs. All courses need to be pre-approved by the current supervisor. Level change forms will be processed twice a year. Forms will be accepted from June 15-June 30 and December 1-December 15. Level changes will be paid starting on the first day of contract if received by the first deadline. If they are received during the second deadline, the incentive will be paid starting in January.
OPIP LinkedIn Scholarship Form
PD Calendar
We work hard to provide as many Professional Development opportunities as possible to encourage a growth mindset of constant assessment and improvement in our educators. The list of opportunities linked below provides a comprehensive resource that outlines as many of the relevant ongoing events as we can gather; but there are always more! Never hesitate to reach out about specific opportunities you've seen or would like to see.