Section 504
The Exceptional Children Services Department assists schools in determining if their programs and activities are accessible. "Accessible" is more than physical access and may include a formal 504 Plan identifying reasonable accommodations to ensure identified students have the opportunity to benefit from their education.
Carol Anderson
Section 504 Your Rights -English
Section 504 Due Process Hearing -English
Section 504 Your Rights- Vietnamese
Section 504 Your Rights- Burmese
Section 504 Your Rights- Somali
Section 504 Your Rights- Tongan
Section 504 Your Rights- Arabic
Section 504 Your Rights- Karen
Section 504 Your Rights- Spanish
Section 504 Your Rights- Bosnian
Section 504 Your Rights- Chinese
Section 504 Your Rights- Swahili
Section 504 Due Process- Arabic
Section 504 Due Process- Bosnian
Section 504 Due Process- Burmese
Section 504 Due Process- Chinese
Section 504 Due Process- Karen
Section 504 Due Process- Somali
Section 504 Due Process- Spanish
Section 504 Due Process- Swahili